
Voonix API is allows you to do many of the manual task using our URL endpoints instead. You are able to use a few endpoints to create, read, update or delete items.

All API requests must include your API key, which can be created inside your Voonix account. This is done by adding &key to the end the URL endpoints. The base URL endpoint is your personalised Voonix URL.


Advertisers are your brands within Voonix. With these endpoints you are able to manage your advertisers.

Retrieve advertisers

This endpoint will allow you to retrieve a list of all/some of your advertisers using filters.

  • advertisers

    The unique identifier for the specific advertiser if you wish to only retrieve some or one. For multiple use comma as a separator.

  • market

    Retrieve only advertisers with the specific affiliate market. E.g. iGaming.

  • affiliate_system

    Retrieve only advertisers with the specific affiliate system.

  • group

    Retrieve only advertisers with the specific group.

  • limit

    Limit the retrieval to set amount of advertisers.


Additional parameters/filters


Response example

  "advertisers": {
    "1": {
      "id": "1",
      "name": "Comeon",
      "description": "",
      "market": "iGaming",
      "affiliate_system": "Omarsys",
      "login_url": "",
      "group": "Comeonconnect",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "brand_id": "ComeOn",
      "brand_extra": "",
      "contact_name": "",
      "contact_email": "",
      "contact_skype": "",
      "contact_note": ""
  "results": 1,
  "success": 1

Create advertisers

Using this endpoint you can create advertisers in Voonix.

  • name Required

    The name of the advertiser.

  • description

    The description of the advertiser.

  • market

    The affiliate market of the specific advertiser. E.g. iGaming.

    Note that this is case sensitive and need to match the name from Voonix.

  • affiliate_system

    The affiliate system of the specific advertiser. E.g. Omarsys.

    Note that this is case sensitive and need to match the name from Voonix.

  • currency

    The currency code for the advertiser. E.g. EUR.

  • login_url

    The exact URL for the login page of the brand.

  • brand_id

    The brand ID for the specific brand. This is not always a requirement but for some it may be.

  • brand_extra

    The brand ID extra for the specific brand. This is not a requirement however some advertisers may need it to function.

  • group

    This can be used to group advertisers to see group earnings.

  • contact_name

    The name of a contact person such as an affiliate manager.

  • contact_email

    The email of a contact person such as an affiliate manager.

  • contact_skype

    The Skype of a contact person such as an affiliate manager.

  • contact_note

    A note for a contact person such as an affiliate manager.


POST body


Response example

    "adve_id": 85,
    "adve_name": "Voonix",
    "success": 1

Update advertisers

You are able to update/edit advertisers using this endpoint and the POST method. You only need to add the values you wish to update.

  • advertiser Required

    The unique ID of the advertiser.

  • name

    Name of the advertiser.

  • description

    The description of the advertiser.

  • market

    The affiliate market of the specific advertiser. E.g. iGaming.

    Note that this is case sensitive and need to match the name from Voonix.

  • affiliate_system

    The affiliate system of the specific advertiser. E.g. Omarsys.

    Note that this is case sensitive and need to match the name from Voonix.

  • currency

    The currency code for the advertiser. E.g. EUR.

  • login_url

    The exact URL for the login page of the brand.

  • brand_id

    The brand ID for the specific brand. This is not always a requirement but for some it may be.

  • brand_extra

    The brand ID extra for the specific brand. This is not a requirement however some advertisers may need it to function.

  • group

    This can be used to group advertisers to see group earnings.

  • contact_name

    The name of a contact person such as an affiliate manager.

  • contact_email

    The email of a contact person such as an affiliate manager.

  • contact_skype

    The Skype of a contact person such as an affiliate manager.

  • contact_note

    A note for a contact person such as an affiliate manager.


POST body

&name=Voonix Updated
&description=Voonix Updated

Response example

    "adve_id": "85",
    "advertiser_before": {
        "name": "Voonix",
        "description": "Voonix",
        "market": "iGaming",
        "affiliate_system": "Omarsys",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "login_url": "",
        "brand_id": "1",
        "brand_extra": null,
        "group": "Voonix",
        "contact_name": "Voonix",
        "contact_email": "",
        "contact_skype": "Voonix",
        "contact_note": "Voonix"
    "advertiser_after": {
        "name": "Voonix Updated",
        "market": "iGaming",
        "affiliate_system": "Omarsys",
        "description": "Voonix",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "login_url": "",
        "brand_id": "1",
        "brand_extra": "1",
        "group": "Voonix",
        "contact_name": "Voonix",
        "contact_email": "",
        "contact_skype": "Voonix",
        "contact_note": "Voonix"
    "success": 1


Logins are your affiliate accounts in Voonix, with these endpoints you are able to manage your logins.

Retrieve logins

This endpoint will allow you to retrieve a list of all/some of your logins using filters.

  • logins

    The unique identifier for the specific login if you wish to only retrieve some or one. For multiple use comma as a separator.

  • errors_only

    Limit retrieval to accounts that have errors currently.


Additional parameters/filters


Response example

  "logins": {
    "1": {
      "id": "1",
      "username": "Voonix",
      "group": "Anna",
      "key1": "jdk261sjo54dkpsdl91425",
      "key2": "",
      "currency": null,
      "note": "",
      "error": "0",
      "deal": {
        "type": "REV-CPA",
        "rev": "100",
        "cpa": "150",
        "cpl": "0"
      "history_deal": {
        "2019-01-01": {
          "type": "REV-CPA",
          "rev": "100",
          "cpa": "100",
          "cpl": "0"
        "2020-08-01": {
          "type": "REV-CPA",
          "rev": "100",
          "cpa": "150",
          "cpl": "0"
      "campaign_deals": {
        "2020-07-01": {
          "14": {
            "type": "REV-CPA",
            "rev": "100",
            "cpa": "200",
            "cpl": "0"
      "advertiser_id": "1",
      "advertiser_name": "10Bet"

Create login

Using this endpoint you can create logins in Voonix.

  • advertiser Required

    The ID of the advertiser in Voonix.

  • username Required

    The username of the login.

  • password

    The password for the affiliate login.

  • key1

    The primary key for the affiliate login.

  • key2

    The secondary key for the affiliate login.

  • currency

    If currency code is included this will instead of the advertisers currency.

  • note

    A note for the login.

  • cosmetic_deal

    A purely cosmetic text. That can act as the exact deal.

  • group

    The group for the login if you wish to group them.

  • type Required

    The deal type of the affiliate login.

    • REV
    • CPA
    • CPL
    • REV-CPA
    • REV-CPL
    • CPA-CPL
  • rev

    The revshare percentage for the login if rev or hybrid. Keep in mind this is most often 100, as we take commission.

  • cpa

    The CPA value for each CPA for the login. Used for CPA or hybrid accounts.

  • cpl

    The cpl value for each CPL for the login. Used for CPL or hybrid accounts.


POST body

&cosmetic_deal=Rev 35%

Response example

    "success": 1,
    "login": {
        "tlog_id": 73,
        "username": "Voonix2"
    "advertiser": {
        "advertiser": "1",
        "advertiser_name": "10Bet"

Update login

Using this endpoint you can update logins and their deals in Voonix.

  • login Required

    The ID of the login in Voonix.

  • username

    The username of the login.

  • password

    The password for the affiliate login.

  • key1

    The primary key for the affiliate login.

  • key2

    The secondary key for the affiliate login.

  • currency

    If currency code is included this will instead of the advertisers currency.

  • note

    A note for the login.

  • cosmetic_deal

    A purely cosmetic text. That can act as the exact deal.

  • group

    The group for the login if you wish to group them.

  • type

    The deal type of the affiliate login.

    • REV
    • CPA
    • CPL
    • REV-CPA
    • REV-CPL
    • CPA-CPL
  • rev

    The revshare percentage for the login if rev or hybrid. Keep in mind this is most often 100, as we take commission.

  • cpa

    The CPA value for each CPA for the login. Used for CPA or hybrid accounts.

  • cpl

    The cpl value for each CPL for the login. Used for CPL or hybrid accounts.


POST body

&group=Voonix Core
&cosmetic_deal=Rev 35%

Response example

    "login": {
        "login": "1",
        "username": "Voonix"
    "advertiser": {
        "advertiser": 1,
        "advertiser_name": "10Bet"
    "success": 1

Campaigns BETA

Campaigns are your primary sources for identifying data. Any data is linked to a campaign. (Also known as sources, tracking links and many more)

Retrieve campaigns

This endpoint will allow you to retrieve a list of all/some of your campaigns using filters.

  • deleted

    When using deleted you will see campaigns that have been deleted in the system using the in-system campaigns module.

  • advertiser

    Retrieve campaigns for one advertiser only.

  • login

    Limit the campaigns retrieved to a specific logins.

  • alias

    Retrieve only campaigns with a certain alias.

  • group

    Limit the retrieval to only campaigns belonging to a selected group.


Additional parameters/filters


Response example

               "name":" PPC Bonus",
                  "site_name":" - PPC Bonus"
   "1":"SELECT * FROM campaign_deals",

Custom stats

Custom stats can contain anything from data for systems we don't support to extra fees and more.

Retrieve custom stats

This endpoint will allow you to retrieve a list of all/some of your custom stats using filters.

  • logins

    The unique identifier for the specific login if you wish to only retrieve some or one. For multiple use comma as a separator.

  • start

    The start date for the selected period. The date must be in numeric date format like this: 2024-10-01 (Y-m-d). If not selected current month will be selected.

  • end

    The end date for the selected period. The date must be in numeric date format like this: 2024-10-31 (Y-m-d). If not selected current month will be selected.


Additional parameters/filters


Response example

    "stats": {
        "2": {
            "custom_4412": {
                "2021-01-22": {
                    "login": "2",
                    "username": "Voonix",
                    "campaign": "custom_4412",
                    "campaign_name": "Custom Campaign",
                    "clicks": "0",
                    "signups": "0",
                    "active_players": "0",
                    "deposits": "0",
                    "deposit_value": "0",
                    "ftd": "0",
                    "cpa": "0",
                    "extra_fee": "1000",
                    "revshare": "0",
                    "custom_id": "48"
            "custom_6543": {
                "2021-01-26": {
                    "login": "2",
                    "username": "Voonix",
                    "campaign": "custom_6543",
                    "campaign_name": "Custom Campaign",
                    "clicks": "0",
                    "signups": "0",
                    "active_players": "0",
                    "deposits": "0",
                    "deposit_value": "0",
                    "ftd": "0",
                    "cpa": "0",
                    "extra_fee": "500",
                    "revshare": "0",
                    "custom_id": "49"
    "results": 2,
    "success": 1

Create custom stats

Using this endpoint you can create custom stats in Voonix.

  • login Required

    The unique identifier for the specific login if you wish to only retrieve some or one. For multiple use comma as a separator.

  • campaign

    The unique campaign key for the custom stats. If not set a random key/id will be generated and the posted name used. If no name is selected a random name will be generated.

  • campaign_name

    The campaign name for the campaign. This will only affect anything if no campaign key is used above. If no key set and no name a random key and name will be generated.

  • date Required

    The date for the custom stats.

  • clicks

    Clicks for the tracker for custom stats.

  • signups

    Signups for the tracker for custom stats.

  • deposits

    Deposits for the tracker for custom stats.

  • deposit_value

    Deposit value for the tracker for custom stats.

  • ftd

    FTD for the tracker for custom stats.

  • cpa

    CPA for the tracker for custom stats.

  • extra_fee

    Extra fee for the tracker for custom stats.

  • revshare

    Revshare for the tracker for custom stats.

  • custom_column1 Changable

    Your specific custom column created within Voonix system in the order they exists in the list.

    Can be used for all 10 options of custom columns by changing the number in the end. E.g. custom_column8.


POST body


Response example

    "date": "2021-01-01",
    "success": 1

Advertiser earnings

Advertiser earnings are your base report in Voonix.

Retrieve advertiser earnings

This endpoint will allow you to retrieve a list of all/some of your advertisers earnings using filters.

  • start Required

    The start date for the selected period. The date must be in numeric date format like this: 2021-01-01 (Y-m-d).

  • end Required

    The end date for the selected period. The date must be in numeric date format like this: 2021-01-31 (Y-m-d).

  • breakdown_period

    The breakdown of the given period. You can select one of the two below. If none is selected it will default to daily.

    • monthly
    • daily
  • breakdown_level

    The breakdown of level in details. This will determine the depth of the data in terms of advertisers, logins and campaigns. If none is selected it will default to campaign.

    • advertiser
    • login
    • campaign
  • meta

    Include this to retrieve meta information about advertisers, logins and campaigns.

  • export BETA

    Select a specific export type such as CSV

    • csv
    • json Default


Additional parameters/filters


Response example

  "settings": {
    "start": "2021-03-01",
    "end": "2021-03-02",
    "breakdown_period": "monthly",
    "breakdown_level": "advertiser"
  "data": {
    "2021-03": {
      "1": {
        "clicks": 0,
        "signups": 0,
        "active_players": 0,
        "deposits": 0,
        "FTD": 0,
        "deposit_value": 0,
        "CPA_count": 0,
        "REV_income": 0,
        "CPA_income": 0,
        "CPL_income": 0,
        "Extra_fee": 0
      "2": {
        "clicks": 228,
        "signups": 28,
        "active_players": 0,
        "deposits": 0,
        "FTD": 0,
        "deposit_value": 0,
        "CPA_count": 0,
        "REV_income": 177.67000579833984,
        "CPA_income": 0,
        "CPL_income": 0,
        "Extra_fee": 0,
        "REV_income_negatives": 0
  success: 1

Site earnings

Site earnings is the report over sites/campaign links to get an overview of earnings pr. site.

Retrieve site earnings

This endpoint will allow you to retrieve a list of all/some of your site earnings using filters.

  • start Required

    The start date for the selected period. The date must be in numeric date format like this: 2021-01-01 (Y-m-d).

  • end Required

    The end date for the selected period. The date must be in numeric date format like this: 2021-01-31 (Y-m-d).

  • site

    The ID for a specific site to limit the earnings to only that site.

  • breakdown_period

    The breakdown of the given period. You can select one of the two below. If none is selected it will default to daily.

    • monthly
    • daily
  • meta

    Include this to retrieve meta information about advertisers, logins and campaigns.


Additional parameters/filters


Response example

  "settings": {
    "start": "2021-03-01",
    "end": "2021-03-02",
    "breakdown_period": "monthly",
    "breakdown_level": "advertiser"
  "data": {
    "2021-03": {
      "1": {
        "clicks": 0,
        "signups": 0,
        "active_players": 0,
        "deposits": 0,
        "FTD": 0,
        "deposit_value": 0,
        "CPA_count": 0,
        "REV_income": 0,
        "CPA_income": 0,
        "CPL_income": 0,
        "Extra_fee": 0
      "2": {
        "clicks": 228,
        "signups": 28,
        "active_players": 0,
        "deposits": 0,
        "FTD": 0,
        "deposit_value": 0,
        "CPA_count": 0,
        "REV_income": 177.67000579833984,
        "CPA_income": 0,
        "CPL_income": 0,
        "Extra_fee": 0,
        "REV_income_negatives": 0
  success: 1